
Main stage of the hunter’s growth

The use of appropriate hunting 네임드 clothes is essential for an activity as precise as hunting to be successful. Do you agree with this statement? Those that you dedicate to her or your hobby sure you agree, because it is an activity that requires a good physical condition, to be carried out during days that can take many hours and moving in them more weight than usual.

Therefore, the choice of hunting clothes and footwear that is used to consummate this hobby must be decisive in you. In this sense, the hunting market offers a wide variety of products that allows its fans to prolong this practice for a long time, despite the fact that they go on for years and believe that age will not allow it.


Method stage

In this stage, the process and challenge of the hunt become the primary focus of the hunter. A method that presents a greater challenge, such as using a bow or muzzleloader, can be used. The hunter may choose to stalk his prey or hunt motionless, instead of sitting at a hunting point near the food.

Stage of the athlete

The total experience of the hunt is what is important for the athlete. The animal that is being hunted, how it is hunted, the immersion in nature and the company of the people with whom it is hunting, all combine to create a complete appreciation of the hunt.

Stage of “return” or participation

At this point the hunter is motivated by the desire to inherit the values ​​of hunting, safety skills and responsible attitudes to others. He wants to preserve our hunting heritage by introducing new hunters to sport. The hunter may choose to join a conservation group that improves habitat through wildlife management and that drives hunting.

But what characteristics should hunting clothes have in order to carry out their performance in the easiest way possible? We agree that this activity has a deep roots and tradition in our country but precisely this draft of the game in Spain should not be confused with the non-modernization of the materials used in their clothing, since the modernization of hunting equipment and the benefits and performance they offer facilitate the implementation of this activity.

For this, it is necessary to be clear about the priorities with which the hunting clothes should count . In this line, it is essential to select clothes and accessories for the comfort of the hunter, and among these, the lightest equipment that allows to gain performance, especially those hunters with more age or some physical limitation

In parallel, another of the features that hunting clothing should include is the resistance , it will be used during long days of activity, in which the different positions and walks, in addition to the weight transported, will affect the hunter.