gravity bong flip

Using Your Gravity Water Pipe

If you love to smoke cannabis then use a gravity water pipe. Is a very unique way through which you can smoke weed because it is very easy such that you can make it all by yourself with some easy steps and then with the help of some common household items you can quickly make your own bong where you will have to make sure that when you are using it then it should be a place where smoking weed is considered to be legal.

So if you are thinking about using the gravity bong then here are some simple steps that can help you in making it which will be very easy for you to make.

Using the water pipe

The first fall you need to ensure what type of bong you are budding at your home and for this, you will require very simple objects which include some water bottles, some needles, and Aluminum foil along with an empty container which will help in making your home made bong.

So first of all you will have to cut the piece of the pipe and then you will have to place some plastic on it and then apply the foil over it now create some moles on the plastic or the file that you have placed which will now be easy for you to create holes now when you have completed the upper half part of your mom you will have to fill the container with water.

Once you have successfully done the container and upper part of the bong than noun you need to cross the weed and packet in the bowl and make sure that you are lighting it now you will have to pack the bowl in a proper manner such that there is no case of failure. So now when you have readily made the bong then it is the time where you have to completely see the bong and start using it which will give you a good experience.

When talking about a gravity bong It is a method through which you can consume weed where the air pressure and water are used for taking the smoke where it will give you the lit experience of smoking your weed also depending on your experience and excitement it will give you a better functioning. You may try and experience it before